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The Iris Review is open to all viewpoints and perspectives, and we seek to publish new and fresh voices in artwork, photography, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and any other media not currently identified. Submissions for 2024 are now CLOSED. 


Tennessee Tech students, faculty, staff, alumni,
and Cookeville area residents are invited to contribute 


Written work should be in 12-point font Times New Roman, single spaced, with each piece beginning on its own page. We will accept up to 3,000 words of prose or 6 pages of poetry. Two entries max. Art submissions may be up to six images. For art, please upload hi-resolution files.


February 29, 2024


Use this link to upload your work using Microsoft Forms (Tennessee Tech students or employees) or if outside TTU, email your submission file to and include this information in the email body.

Submissions are CLOSED

We look forward to seeing your work next year!

If you wish to submit a piece that is not in English, as long as the editorial team is given a translation of the piece, we are more than willing to consider your piece for submission. 

“Had he but turned back then, and looked out once more on to the rose-lit garden, she would have seen that which would have made her own sufferings seem but light and easy to bear--a strong man, overwhelmed with his own passion and despair. Pride had given way at last, obstinacy was gone: the will was powerless. He was but a man madly, blindly, passionately in love and as soon as her light footstep had died away within the house, he knelt down upon the terrace steps, and in the very madness of his love he kissed one by one the places where her small foot had trodden, and the stone balustrade, where her tiny hand had rested last.”
― Baroness Orczy, The Scarlet Pimpernel

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